Organizer: Tuyen Pham
Suggested list of papers presented can be found here. Feel free to add other papers of interest to the list!
Date | Presenter | Topic | Reading |
26 August | Organizational meeting | ||
2 September | Labor Day | ||
9 September | Himanshu Yadav, UF | Mixup for Embedding Space | |
16 September | Zachariah Thomas, UF | Merge Trees of Periodic Filtrations | Paper by Edelsbrunner and Heiss |
23 September | Wanchen Zhao, UF | Bigraded Betti numbers and generalized persistent diagrams | Paper by Woojin Kim and Samantha Moore |
30 September | Tuyen Pham, UF | Fast Computation of Zigzag Persistence | Paper by Dey and Hou |
7 October | Barbara Giunti, SUNY Albany | Inside the barcode computation. | |
14 October | Kushagri Sharma, UF | Extending Persistence Using Poincaré and Lefschetz Duality | Paper by Cohen-Steiner, Edelsbrunner, and Harer |
21 October | Jiun Cho, UF | Theory and Algorithms for Constructing Discrete Morse Complexes from Grayscale Digital Images | Paper by Robins, Wood, Sheppard |
28 October | Cory Brunson, UF | A Computationally Efficient Framework for Vector Representation of Persistence Diagrams | Paper by Chan, Islambekov, Luchinsky, and Sanders Software Package |
4 November | Nathan Kershaw, University of Western Ontario | Efficient computations of discrete cubical homology | Paper by Kapulkin and Kershaw |
11 November | Holiday | ||
18 November | Sucharita Mallick, UF | Representations of Energy Landscapes by sublevelset Persistent Homology | Paper by Mirth, Zhai, Bush, Alvarado, Jordan, Heim, Krishnamoorthy, Pflaum, Clark, Zhang, Adams |
25 November | Thanksgiving Holiday | ||
2 December | Sai Narayana Bavisetty, UF | An Introduction to A-theory and Applications |