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Fall 2024 TDA Seminar

Organizer: Tuyen Pham

Suggested list of papers presented can be found here. Feel free to add other papers of interest to the list!

26 AugustOrganizational meeting
2 SeptemberLabor Day
9 SeptemberHimanshu Yadav, UFMixup for Embedding Space
16 SeptemberZachariah Thomas, UFMerge Trees of Periodic FiltrationsPaper by Edelsbrunner and Heiss
23 SeptemberWanchen Zhao, UFBigraded Betti numbers and generalized persistent diagramsPaper by Woojin Kim and Samantha Moore
30 SeptemberTuyen Pham, UFFast Computation of Zigzag PersistencePaper by Dey and Hou
7 OctoberBarbara Giunti, SUNY AlbanyInside the barcode computation.
14 OctoberKushagri Sharma, UFExtending Persistence Using Poincaré and Lefschetz DualityPaper by Cohen-Steiner, Edelsbrunner, and Harer
21 OctoberJiun Cho, UFTheory and Algorithms for Constructing Discrete Morse Complexes from Grayscale Digital Images Paper by Robins, Wood, Sheppard
28 OctoberCory Brunson, UFA Computationally Efficient Framework for Vector Representation of Persistence Diagrams Paper by Chan, Islambekov, Luchinsky, and Sanders

Software Package
4 NovemberNathan Kershaw, University of Western OntarioEfficient computations of discrete cubical homologyPaper by Kapulkin and Kershaw
11 NovemberHoliday
18 NovemberSucharita Mallick, UFRepresentations of Energy Landscapes by sublevelset Persistent HomologyPaper by Mirth, Zhai, Bush, Alvarado, Jordan, Heim, Krishnamoorthy, Pflaum, Clark, Zhang, Adams
25 NovemberThanksgiving Holiday
2 DecemberSai Narayana Bavisetty, UFAn Introduction to A-theory and Applications